Friday, November 13, 2009

Big Announcement: Tom To Face Force Eviction

How it all began
On the second game of the Big Battle, house A lost again. Before the announcement of their loss was made, Tom and Rob violated one rule of the house - talking without lapel. Eventually they face the consequence of their actions. The punishment given was having one of their arms be tied to the arm of the other. They were to carry a microphone where they were to speak in exchanged of their lapels. At first Tom and Rob were amused by this. However, when Kuya announced that the winner of the game was the house B the expressions of their faces changed. It was obvious they became bitter. This bitterness made Tom too emotional. He uttered things like, "I'll gonna hurt them....I'll gonna kick them..." Of course he was referring to their opponent house. His emotions took its toll on his health. While performing another game to lift the punishment from them he became weak. A doctor was summoned to check on him. The doctor said he was okey to perform any task but must refrain from strenuous ones.

How it gotten to its peak  
When the last game of the Big Battle was played, unluckily house A lost again. This made Tom gave in to his emotions. He punched on the wall where they played the game leaving three big holes through it. He was then advised to go to the confession room where his wounds were treated. Most of his housemates were tense by his actions. Later then Tom started to throw up and had fever. It was then decided by the PBB that he be brought to the hospital. At 4 P.M. he was out of the house.
Due to this situation PBB management stopped the voting for the nominees. It was the rule of the house that anyone who is out of the house for a valid reason must be back within 24 hours. The countdown for Tom then began.

How the housemates reacted by Tom's outburst
When Tom punched the poor wall much to the surprise of his housemates who immediately gathered around him to pacify him, Tibo told his housemates in house B not to react and not to say anything. They followed well. As they got back to the house, Tibo consulted the PBB manual making sure what Tom did was a real violation. It was. Paul Jake said he was afraid Tom might eventually hurt anyone. Most of them agreed with him.
Even Tom's housemates were afraid of what he did. They were worried of what he could be capable of doing. The ladies even cried.

How it all ended
The following day at 2 P.M. Tom was released from the hospital making him safe from the countdown. The stay there calmed him. He was in his best self once again even joking with his housemates. He said the stay in the hospital made him realized how every minute in the PBB house was so important and how he missed his housemates. He was welcomed with much joy.

However, no matter how one regrets for an action being done, one must still face the consequences of such action. Tom was no exception to this. Kuya called all the nominees for eviction to the confession room. There he sadly announced the painful truth - Tom must leave the house for good on the ground that he violated a rule which stated, anyone who is violent must be force evicted. This meant Tibo, Paul Jake, Jason, Carol and Yuri were safe from eviction for the week. Yuri couldn't control her tears upon hearing what Kuya had to say. But none of them had a choice.
Tom was never surprised upon the announcement. He said he was already expecting that his outburst would have a negative consequence. While given the chance to talk to Kuya one on one he explained what prompted him to do such a thing. He said it was due to his headache, which intensity he felt only for the very first time. He added, he dreaded the thought of losing again another game thus he forced himself to play and ignored the option of resting so as not to become a burden to his housemates. He had the good reason, he just made the wrong decision. And this wrong decision catapulted him to commit a very grave action - an action he might regret later.
Kuya nevertheless parted him with tidbits of advice which he could use to continue his life again in the outside world. He was given one day to bond with his housemates. He was to exit on Saturday evening.

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